Cherie's Thinking Again

Thoughts, Stories, Observations and Ideas by a Mother of Adults

Sunday, January 08, 2012

This year is starting off with promises of powerful changes! No kidding. My children, my husband, my closest friends and my students have all laid down the law. "You are a professional - build a business. Build two. Build more. And publish all those books you've written and have hidden away on the computer!"

So, after more than 30 years, my easy days of homeschooling are almost behind me and I'm turning my attention to writing, to public speaking, and to mentoring other women and families.

I'm now a part of The Family Life Coaching Group which is a collection of several different mentoring services. It is fun. It is a lot of work. It is something that I love doing and have been doing unofficially since 1980. The organizations are up and running even though the websites are in various stages of readiness. Check to the sidebar and click on my different websites.

Right now, I'm gathering in referrals from people who have been helped by my classes and mentoring as well as people who know a little bit about The Logan Family Life. If you want to send in a word or two, please send a private message on Facebook or email me.

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